
This page contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) relating to both the scheme and the application process, for investors, companies, and solicitors. Application support is also available through our customer support team.

The Future Fund closed for new applications on Sunday 31 January 2021, however, CLA holders will still need to provide ongoing reporting and notifications as per the obligations in the CLA.

All previous FAQs have been archived, however they can be accessed here:

Archived versions of applications pages on the Future Fund portal can also be found here:

These FAQs are provided for informative purposes. They are not intended to provide advice of any kind (including legal, financial, tax or other professional advice). You should seek professional or specialist advice before doing anything on the basis of this content.

Future Fund CLA Holders:

You can sign into your account by clicking on the profile icon on our website (top right-hand corner).

There is a ‘Reset password’ button on the sign in page. Navigate to the sign in page and follow the instructions on screen.

You can update your personal information by emailing us at

  1. Please ensure that you are using either Safari or Chrome as your browser on a laptop/desktop PC and are using a private/incognito window.
  2. Ensure that you are logged out of your account on all other browsers/devices (Tablet/Mobile/Laptop/Computer). The system only permits one sign-in at a time, therefore having this open on other devices/browsers can cause issues and often result in receiving an error message.
  3. If you are completing reporting on behalf of the LBC, as the Finance Officer or Accountant, using the LBC login credentials, please ensure that the LBC is not signed into their account at the same time on any of their devices prior to proceeding.
  4. Sign out and sign back into one device only, once you and/or the LBC have logged out on all devices/browsers.
  5. Complete your reporting information and submit all in one session, ensure this is completed in a timely manner ensuring you have all information to hand as the system will time out. Information required can be found in the ‘What you will need’ guide. Further guidance can be found in the Reporting Guide which can also be found once you have logged into the portal.
  6. Remember to read ALL the text and guidelines that appear on the report submission pages, a lot of this information is guidance only and is in red text, this does not mean it is an error message preventing you from moving forward or submitting your report. Please pay close attention to this guidance.

When should I engage with the Future Fund in terms of Maturity options?

The Future Fund will email the Company approximately 6 months ahead of Maturity Date requesting the Company to confirm its intentions on Maturity (‘Maturity Notification email’). The Company will need to respond with a ‘Maturity Intention’ portal notification within 20 business days of the initial Maturity Notification email.

Should the Company elect to request an extension the Future Fund will need sufficient time to consider it and complete its internal process (see below).

Please refer to the Maturity FAQs for additional information.


The Future Fund is designed by the government and delivered by the British Business Bank. As such, the Future Fund, and FF UK Nominees Limited, are subject to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, which gives individuals a right to request any recorded information held by a public authority. Under the FOI Act, public authorities have the right to withhold information using the relevant exemptions included in the Act. Any information requested which is commercially sensitive to either the British Business Bank, the Future Fund, Investors or Investee Companies can be withheld under S43(2) commercial interests. Where required, the British Business Bank may consult with you to understand how the release of requested information under the FOI Act would or would be likely to prejudice your commercial interests.

If you want to find out more about the Freedom of Information Act please visit

If you have information relating to a Future Fund company that you wish to notify the British Business Bank of please contact

You can log a complaint by completing the online enquiry form or email

If you have a general query please email us at or on 03307260230. If you want specific advice such as legal, tax or investment advice please speak to an appropriately qualified professional.

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