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Open for applications
The Growth Guarantee Scheme (GGS) designed to support access to finance for UK businesses as they look to invest and grow, is available through accredited lenders.
Use the filters below to find which lenders in your region provide the type of finance you’re looking for.
Note: Not every accredited lender can provide every type of finance listed, so please use the filter buttons to find the lender right for you.
Please continue to monitor this page as we will update it whenever we confirm new accreditations.
Fraud warning: GGS is managed by the British Business Bank only through accredited lenders.
Please make sure that you, or any intermediary you may work through, are only offered a GGS-backed facility through an accredited lender.
Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 results
Showing 1 - 50 of 50 results
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