Report and publications

Gender and ethnicity pay gap report - 2023
Download the British Business Banks Gender and ethnicity pay gap report - 2023
About the British Business Bank
The British Business Bank is the UK Government’s economic development bank. Our mission is to drive sustainable growth and prosperity across the UK, and to enable the transition to a net zero economy, by improving access to finance for smaller businesses. To achieve this, we design, deliver and manage access to finance programmes for smaller businesses across the UK. Ours is a purpose driven organisation, and our values – commitment, collaborative and creativity – are at the heart of everything we do.
As well as increasing both supply and diversity of finance for UK smaller businesses through our programmes, we work to raise awareness of the finance options available to smaller businesses. This helps support the creation of a sustainable UK economy, with smaller businesses at the heart, driving enduring prosperity for all.
The Bank has four strategic objectives:
Driving sustainable growth
Ensuring smaller businesses can access the right type of finance they need to start, survive and grow.
Backing innovation
Ensuring innovative businesses can access the right capital to start and scale.
Unlocking potential
Unlocking growth by ensuring entrepreneurs can access the finance they need regardless of where and who they are.
Building the modern, green economy
Financing groundbreaking solutions to climate change and helping smaller businesses transition to net zero so they thrive in a green future.