Success Stories

Learn how other UK businesses have used external finance to reach their ambition

Here’s just some of the tens of thousands of smaller businesses funded through our partners, with the support of British Business Bank’s programmes.

Have you received finance from one of our partners using one of our programmes? Do you want to have a chance of being featured as a success story on our website? Please email our Communications team to register your interest.

Growth Guarantee Scheme


Câr-y-Môr is the first community-owned regenerative ocean farm in Wales. With a diverse membership of over 300 individuals from various backgrounds, Câr-y-Môr has become a shining example of community-driven sustainability and innovation.

Read the success story about Câr-y-Môr
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Start Up Loans

Kokoso Baby

Kokoso Baby is the new baby skincare brand that uses pure organic coconut oil specially selected for baby skincare.

Start Up Loans


Sarah Hilleary has always been motivated by the personal rewards of being her own boss, and this lead her to start gluten-free snack company Birubi Ltd.

Start Up Loans

Utta Nutta

Katie has always been a massive peanut butter fan, but objected to the use of palm oil in traditional recipes. Palm tree plantations have a big environmental impact and this is one of the main reasons Katie decided to develop her own recipe, one which didn’t use this ingredient. She also wanted a peanut butter that was healthier, not full of the usual sugar and additives.

Enterprise Capital Funds


Creating Simplicity From Complexity

Start Up Loans

Kirk and Kirk

Kirk & Kirk is an optical design company set up by Jason and Karen Kirk

Start Up Loans


Alexandra, a 29 year old entrepreneur from West Sussex has been given a £9,500 Start-Up Loan to help develop her clothing line and resource centre for active pregnant women.

Enterprise Capital Funds

Heck Foods

Heck Foods is a family-run premium sausage maker, which was founded by Yorkshire farmers Andrew and Debbie Keeble in 2012. Heck’s brands are sold throughout the UK in Tesco, ASDA, Morrisons, Booths and Waitrose, and via its own website.