Travel and Expenses Policy

1. Purpose 

1.1 Purpose 

This policy is designed to ensure that the British Business Bank plc group, including all subsidiaries, (BBB) reimburses Employees and Non-executive Directors (NEDs) for fair and reasonable travel costs and other necessary expenses incurred while on BBB related business and requires Employees to ensure that they always seek the best value for money as per the Managing Public Money Handbook requirements. Specifically section A4.6.3 and Box A4.6B: Managing Public Money May 2023 ( (.PDF, 1,290KB)).

For the sake of this policy, all mentions of “Employees” will also include Non-executive Directors. 

BBB is required to determine if income tax and National Insurance is payable on expenses and benefits paid to Employees, which is dependent upon the type of expense or benefit provided. It is important to be aware that any expenditure or allowances outside this policy cannot be reimbursed to Employees without deduction of income tax and National Insurance. 

1.3 Alignment to Risk Appetite 

This policy sits under the Level One Risk Category, Strategic and Business Risk. It aligns to the Level Two Risk Category, Governance defined as ‘The risk that the BBB’s governance structure, fails to provide effective decision making or does not align the interests of internal and external stakeholders which may impact on the organisation’s ability to deliver its Objectives.’

The Bank’s risk appetite in relation to Governance is set at Low.

BBB does not meet standards in relation to relevant government guidelines applicable to a non-departmental public body.

The Bank’s risk appetite level in relation to Government Guidelines risk is:


2. Scope

This policy applies to all BBB Entities, subsidiaries, operations, employees and Non-executive Directors.

This policy does not form part of any Employee’s contract of employment and may be amended as required. Agency contractors are not permitted to submit expenses via the BBB expense system, instead any expenses should be dealt with via invoice in accordance with their contractual agreement. The terms of any such expenses should be no greater than permitted to be incurred by Employees under this policy and be agreed with their BBB contact in advance wherever possible.

3. Key Requirements

BBB is a steward of public money and as such must establish processes designed to ensure that all expenditure and allocation of resources is carried out in a proper and efficient manner. When undertaking any travel, overnight accommodation or other business expenditure Employees must seek to achieve the best value for money. Employees should plan any trip carefully and consider all costs incurred. This should, whenever possible, involve booking in advance.

BBB will reimburse Employees for all reasonable expenses which they actually and necessarily incur in the course of their employment. It is not possible to describe in this policy all types of reasonable expenses that Employees may actually and necessarily incur in the course of their employment and this Policy should not be considered exhaustive in this respect. Unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated, GPC cards and company credit cards should not be used for travel and subsistence expenses.

If you have a disability or long-term health condition that means you may require reasonable adjustments in your travel arrangements, you must discuss these with your line manager.

3.1 Expense process

Original receipts must be submitted with the claim form (scanned copies are acceptable). All expenses should, whenever possible, be claimed within two months of the date incurred. Line managers are expected to consider the date of the claim when approving the expense and understand any reason for delays in submission and ensure that the claim remains valid. Claims will not be accepted where they are submitted over six months after the date incurred. Only actual costs will be reimbursed, within the limits outlined in the guidance below.

3.2 Expense Guidelines

Employees are expected to apply the following guidance in incurring and claiming expenses:

Necessity & Seeking Value

We will reimburse the reasonable cost of necessary expenses in connection with the business. When undertaking any travel, overnight accommodation or other business expenditure Employees must seek to achieve the best value for money. The most economic means of travel must be used wherever practical and possible and should be booked as far in advance as possible to reduce fares. When claiming travel expenses, the names of Employees and the purpose of travel must always be detailed.

The following are not treated as travel in relation to business and so cannot be claimed:

  1. Travel between your home and your contractual place of work;
  2. Travel which is mainly for your own purposes; and
  3. Travel which, undertaken on the company’s behalf, is similar or equivalent to travel between your home and your contractual place of work.

Sustainable travel

BBB is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its operations (including greenhouse gas emissions). Employees are therefore encouraged to maximise their utilisation of video conferencing facilities rather than travelling to meetings away from their contractual place of work. Public transport should be used whenever possible.

GPC/Company credit cards.

These should not be used for travel and expenses except in exceptional circumstances.

3.3 Expenditure Allowances - Travel

3.3.1 Business Use of Private Vehicles

‘Mileage’ is a payment to cover the use of a personal vehicle for business purposes. Before you use a personal motor vehicle for business purposes, you must ensure that you meet the requirements specified in Appendix 1 of this policy.

Mileage claims cannot be made for ordinary commuting. Ordinary commuting is travel between the Employee’s home and their contractual workplace (Sheffield or London office). Costs of ordinary commuting are not allowable for tax purposes. Ordinary commuting also includes travelling to other places that are substantially the same as ordinary commuting.

(Example): This means that if an Employee required to attend an external meeting and the journey is no further than the usual place of work no mileage should be claimed. When claiming mileage, you should claim the distance between your contractual place of work and the place visited, or the actual distance travelled, whichever is the shorter distance.

All mileage rates are contained within Table A. Business mileage will be reimbursed at the standard HMRC approved rate as below, which can change from time to time.

Mileage Rates (Flat rate regardless of engine size)
Private Vehicle Standard Rate (first 10,000 miles of current financial year)£0.45 pence per mile
Private Vehicle Standard Rate (after first 10,000 miles during current financial year)£0.25 pence per mile
Motorcycle£0.24 pence per mile
Bicycle£0.20 pence per mile
Passenger Supplement (applies only to the transportation of any person who is travelling under the official business of BBB who would otherwise have incurred additional travel and subsistence claims)£0.05 pence per mile

BBB will reimburse car parking costs, toll charges and congestions charges where Employees have to travel away from their home office for business purposes. Employees are responsible for ensuring that vehicles are always parked legally whilst on official business. BBB will not accept any liability for the payment of parking fines and fines due to non-payment of the congestion charge.

3.3.2 Car Hire

It may prove more economical to use a hire car for certain business journeys. It is the responsibility of the Employee making the booking to ensure that the necessary insurance is taken out as part of the hire agreement.

In an emergency (e.g. where your private vehicle breaks down whilst on business), actual expenses necessarily incurred by you in hiring a vehicle to complete your journey may be met at BBB’s discretion, even where you were unable to obtain prior approval.

In circumstances where a hire car is provided, the costs for petrol against receipted actuals should be claimed rather than the mileage rate.

3.3.3 Air Travel

Employees should travel economy class within Europe and on flights scheduled as less than six hours in duration. Employees may only travel in premium classes for flights scheduled to take six hours or longer. For longer flights the class of travel booked should generally be premium economy, with the only exception being for overnight flights where business class may be booked. Employees may not travel First Class and all non-economy class flights are required to be approved in advance by the line manager.

3.3.4 Rail Travel, Oyster Cards and Travel Cards

All rail travel should be booked in advance using the BBB procured travel provider and Standard-Class travel should be booked. Rail travel may be claimed from either the station closest to the office or the Employee’s home (or reasonable other alternative). Employees may not travel First Class.

BBB will fund the cost of a national rail card that provides a discount to Employees when travelling on BBB business, but only if use of the card gives rise to savings to BBB that exceed the cost of the railcard. Claims outside of the BBB procured travel provider system will be referred to the CFO, Financial Control and Governance Director or Director of Finance Operations for approval.

Employees can claim the cost of journeys undertaken for business purposes using an Oyster Card or other travel card but not the cost of topping up the card. Journeys claimed for must be supported by a copy of the statement from the travel operator that itemises those journeys.

3.3.5 Taxi Fares

Public transport should be used whenever possible, and any use of taxis should be pre-approved by the line manager where possible.

The use of taxis is permitted if public transport could raise safety/security concerns or is unavailable/impractical (including where not time or cost effective). If Employees are required to work late (after 8pm) the use of taxis is also permitted, but only if late working is on an occasional and irregular basis.

If an Employee has health conditions that mean the use of public transport may not be appropriate, this should be discussed with their line manager to assess whether the use of a taxi may be appropriate in certain circumstances.

3.4 Expenditure Allowances - Accommodation

3.4.1 Overnight Accommodation

Accommodation when working away from the contractual place of work should be within the following cost levels and booked through the BBB procured travel provider:

  • London and overseas £200 inclusive of breakfast and VAT
  • UK outside London £150 inclusive of breakfast and VAT

Employees claiming amounts in excess of these guidelines will be required to provide a justification and may be refused reimbursement of any expenditure above these levels if reasonable justification is not given. Any excess claims or claims not booked via the BBB procured travel provider will be referred to the Chief Financial Officer, Managing Director – Core Finance, Financial Control and Governance Director or the Finance Operations Director for approval.

If the situation occurs where a suitable accommodation within the budget outlined above cannot be secured through the BBB procured travel provider, the use of an external provider is allowable when approval has been granted (ahead of booking) by one of the listed individuals above.

3.5 Expenditure Allowances – Meals & Subsistence whilst travelling

3.5.1 Meal Allowance

Expenditure on meals and/or snacks will only be reimbursed where Employees are required to work at a location that is not their usual place of work during the day, and/or they are away from home overnight on business, and/or in the late working circumstance set out below.

No expenditure on meals and/or snacks may be claimed when an Employee is working from their home.

In certain circumstances Employees may need to work on-site late, for example when needing to meet tight deadlines. Where you reasonably expect to work later than 8pm away from home then you are eligible to claim against the evening meal allowance.

If a claim is being made in respect of a dinner or other meal where more than one BBB Employee is present the names of all Employees must be recorded. The cost of the meal must be claimed by the most senior person attending who is also responsible for payment. The same policy applies in instances where hospitality is given to BBB clients and claimed through the expenses system in which case any claim should record the value and the recipient(s) of the hospitality. If you are receiving hospitality or entertainment, please refer to the BBB Gifts & Hospitality Standards for guidance.

Payments will be made against actual VAT receipts only, up to the rates given below. GPC and Company credit cards should not be used for subsistence spending.

Subsistence Allowance Rates Maximum Value of Claim (Inc. VAT):

  • Breakfast £15
  • Lunch £15 
  • Evening Meal £50

Tips and service charges up to 12.5% will be reimbursed provided they are included on the receipt and the overall total is still within the limits above. The above is inclusive of non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages cannot be claimed via expenses and need to be paid for at the Employee’s own expense.

A personal incidental expenses allowance may instead be claimed when attending residential training courses where accommodation and meals are all provided. This is a flat rate of £5 per 24-hour period. All Employee training should be booked through HR. If training is claimed through expenses and has not been approved by HR in advance, the expense will not be reimbursed.

3.5.2 Beverages

Employees travelling to or from a location that is not their contractual place of work are entitled to claim for one non-alcoholic beverage per journey. Alcoholic beverages cannot be claimed for on journeys and need to be paid for at the Employee’s own expense.

Some will, during performing their role, have off-site meetings with third party contacts. An allowance of up to £15.00 per day is available to compensate for the cost of purchasing beverages at such meetings. Receipts must be provided for at least the value of the submitted claim.

3.6 Expenditure Allowances – Other meals & events

3.6.1 Employee Entertaining and Team Events

Band 4 and more senior Employees may (at their discretion) determine appropriate instances to claim for a meal for themselves and team members without the requirement to be away from home. The limit for the meal is £50 per person, and this includes the cost of non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages cannot be claimed through expenses and need to be paid for at the Employee’s expense. Tips and service charges up to 12.5% will be reimbursed provided they are included on the receipt and the overall total remains within limit.

The total of such expenses will be monitored by SLT members and further claims may not be paid if it is determined that the frequency of such claims is unreasonable. The budget for such events is held at individual team level and it is the responsibility of the SLT member to adhere to the allocated budget. All such meals should be classed as “Board/Group Dinners/Events” on the expense claim form as the company is responsible for the payment of any tax or NI liability arising.

Any team events (including off-sites, away days, strategy days, team building) are expected to be held in either Sheffield or London depending on the majority of the team's office location; and should be within the business area’s budget and arranged in a cost-effective manner. The only exceptions are if there is a strong rationale for an alternative location and that this is approved by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Whilst such events are encouraged as a way to strengthen and build team culture, as an arm’s length government body, value for money has to be a key consideration in our decision making.

The limit for team events is £50 per person, and this includes the cost of non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages cannot be claimed through expenses and need to be paid for at the Employee’s expense. Tips and service charges up to 12.5% will be reimbursed provided they are included on the receipt and the overall total remains within the limit.

The cost of room hire is not inclusive of the limit for £50 per person and can be claimed for separately if listed (ideally) on its own invoice.

The booking for such events should be discussed with the Finance Operations team to ensure that they are correctly captured and coded in the finance systems as these may often be arranged and paid for via the PO/invoice system.

Hotels are permissible for people traveling to a location outside of the city of their contractual base location (Sheffield, London or home for contractually designated mobile workers). All hotel booking should be in compliance with this policy and booked via the travel portal. Employees in their ‘home’ (contractual) location will not be able to claim hotel or taxi expenses.

The cost of Employee entertaining and team events will be monitored via MI presented to SLT members to ensure that all teams are managing the Bank’s resources effectively.

3.6.2 Board / Group dinners

On the occasion where the BBB Board will arrange an event or dinner, the same principles as above will be applied. The limit for the meal is £50 per person, and this includes the cost of non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages cannot be claimed through expenses and need to be paid for at the Employee’s expense. Tips and service charges up to 12.5% will be reimbursed provided they are included on the receipt and the overall total remains within the limit.

3.6.3 BBB Events (or alternatives)

BBB will, on occasions, arrange company-wide events for which the cost of the event is managed centrally. Where the cost of the company-wide event is managed centrally the provisions in this Policy do not apply. Any travel or expenses incurred related to such events should be in accordance with any centrally issued communications related to such an event, and with this policy if not otherwise specified. In situations where it is impractical to arrange a company-wide event, the Executive Committee may instead decide to allow teams to arrange alternatives for which colleagues should follow the guidance issued at the time.

3.6.4 BBB Team building events with a volunteering aspect

Team building days with a volunteering aspect or volunteering activity will be treated in the same regard as any other team building day. Expenses will be handled as per section 3.6.1.

3.7 Expenditure Allowances – Other expenses

3.7.1 Home working equipment

In 2020, a communication was issued that permitted the cost of certain home working equipment to be claimable by all Employees as a result of having to work from home due to the COVID pandemic. Any changes to the ability to claim for such home working equipment will be separately communicated by the Executive Committee in due course to ensure that this continues to be in line with Government guidance and BBB’s responsibilities in relation to Employee working conditions and environments.

3.7.2 Gifts & Hospitality Expenses

BBB is a steward of public money and as such must ensure that all expenditure and allocation of resources is carried out in a proper and efficient manner. Modest gifts may be approved by any Executive Committee or Senior Leadership Team member (Bands 1-3) up to a maximum value of £30 per Employee. Information should be provided to support the gift expense and clearly included in support of the travel and expense claim.

Employees or Board members wishing to offer gifts or hospitality to any parties external to BBB should refer to the BBB Gifts & Hospitality Standards. This includes in relation to hosting or attending any meals involving external parties.

3.7.3 Overseas Rates

If a personal credit card is used to pay for expenditure, the amount reimbursed will be the sterling amount charged by the card provider. For amounts incurred where a personal credit card is not used, reimbursement will be made in line with Bank of England exchange rates pertaining to the time at which the expense is incurred.

A personal incidental expense allowance of a flat rate of £10 per night incurred whilst required to be working away from home may be claimed to cover any incidental expenses such as telephone calls incurred where supported by receipts.

3.7.4 Business Telephones

Business telephones are provided for business use only. Employees provided with a mobile device will be required to reimburse BBB for all private calls made on such devices where additional cost has been incurred by BBB. It is the responsibility of the Employee to identify and declare these accordingly.

3.7.5 Eye Tests

BBB recognises its duty to comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (Amended 2002), which includes provision for eye tests, and glasses required specifically for use with Display Screen Equipment (DSE).

BBB will reimburse all Employees up to the value of £30 for eye tests, as well as a contribution towards suitable vocational spectacles only where necessary. The maximum contribution towards DSE glasses is £65 including VAT. It is the responsibility of the Employee making a DSE glasses claim, to obtain an Eye Care form from HR and have this signed by the optometrist upon the initial assessment. If an Employee’s ordinary prescription is suitable for their DSE work BBB will not reimburse the cost of the spectacles or lenses.

Employees will be responsible for the initial payment of their eye test and any costs incurred on lenses or frames. All expense claims will be paid against submitted receipts, with any claims towards glasses or contacts requiring the submission of the signed Eye Care form to evidence that the items are required for DSE work.

3.7.6 Professional Subscriptions

BBB will reimburse annually one professional subscription essential for Employees, or incurred as an element of a development programme, with the approval of the line manager.

3.8 Credit and Procurement Cards

3.8.1 Card Use and Acceptance Form

Employees who have been issued with a credit or procurement card should sign the credit card terms acceptance form, familiarise themselves with the required standards of use and should ensure that they submit their expenses monthly to support the costs incurred on the card.

A Company credit card is for official use only and should not be used to make purchases that contravene government or the Supplier Management Policy and aligned Standards. Each card is issued to a named individual and must not be used by anyone else. The named card holder is accountable for all transactions that are processed on their credit card and the named card holder will be personally liable in the event of misuse.

Procurement credit cards are held by named individuals but are to support local purchase needs at our sites in London and Sheffield for site specific purchases. These credit cards must be administered by the named cardholder and any need to make any ad-hoc purchases by credit card must be through the Procurement team. All Employees who are given responsibility for credit card authorisation, administration and usage must be permanent Employees.

Wherever possible purchases should be made via the purchase ordering/invoicing system through a supplier account.

Credit cards will only be issued where there is a defined and necessary business requirement. Only permanent Employees with a financial delegated authority will be allocated a credit card and the expenditure limits will be managed in accordance with the Delegated Financial Authority policy. To ensure there is adequate segregation of duties, credit card administrators within Finance are not allowed to hold credit cards.

Where a defined business need is identified and justified by a supporting business case, a request should be submitted to the expense team who will submit to the CFO to obtain approval. Once approved, the expense team will progress an application with Barclaycard. All credit card holders are required to sign an Acceptance Form to confirm that they have received the card and that they understand their responsibilities in relation to using the card and the consequences of misuse.

3.9 Roles & Responsibilities

3.9.1 All Employees

All Employees are responsible for seeking to achieve the best value for money, including ensuring that all travel and expenditure are carefully considered. This should, wherever possible, involve booking in advance. All Employees are responsible for ensuring that all claims submitted are in accordance with the requirements of this Policy and that they provide the relevant supporting documentation for any claim submitted.

3.9.2 Approving Managers

Approving managers are responsible for reviewing expense claims submitted by Employees to ensure that they are compliant with this Policy, are supported by appropriate receipts and any other required supporting documentation, are submitted on a timely basis and that they meet the criteria of being necessary for the official business of BBB. Line managers are expected to consider the date of the claim when approving the expense and understand any reason for delays in submission and ensure that the claim still remains valid.

3.9.3 BBB Finance Team

The BBB Finance team is responsible for:

  • Reviewing expense claims and ensuring compliance with this Policy;
  • Identifying any expenses claims which do not meet the standards of this Policy;
  • Processing and paying expense claims;
  • Producing monthly management information in order to enable monitoring of expenses.

3.10 Record Keeping

Records generated as part of the requirements of this Policy will be maintained for a period of not less than 7 years from the end of the tax year that they relate to.

4. Non-Compliance

BBB will seek to identify and address breaches of this Policy on a timely and effective basis. Such breaches may include fraudulent expense claims, claims without the necessary supporting information and claims for items that breach cost or sustainability guidelines. Material breaches will be assessed by the Policy Owner to determine the further action required, which may include disciplinary action in accordance with the BBB’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. Any risk incidents identified will be assessed using the Risk Incident Form found via the Risk Incident Portal on the BBB intranet and Reported in the manner outlined in the Risk Incident Reporting and Review Procedure Document.

5. Aligned Standards and Procedures

Refer to separate guide for booking travel & accommodation available on the intranet.
Travel Accommodation Booking Guide (Word)

6. Policy Controls

The Travel and Expenses Policy Controls are visible here: Travel and Expenses Policy - Power BI  

7. Definition of Terms


British Business Bank plc and its subsidiary undertakings


GPC Government Procurement Card is a Visa based purchasing and payments system (not a credit card). It is designed to be simple to use, easy to control and to speed up the process of obtaining goods and services.


Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for the collection of taxes.


MOT: (Ministry of Transport, or simply MOT) is an annual test of vehicle safety, roadworthiness aspects and exhaust emissions required in the United Kingdom.


Non-executive Director


National Insurance


Pay As You Earn


Senior Leadership Team


Value-added Tax

Appendix 1 – Further guidance on the use of Private Vehicles

If it proves more cost effective to use the Employee’s own vehicle or that owned by their partner or spouse for business purposes, then the Employee must hold a valid current UK driving licence.

It is the responsibility of the Employee to ensure that certain motor vehicle insurance conditions are included and provided for on the policy as follows:

  • fully comprehensive cover;
  • business use;
  • an undertaking that the motor mileage allowance which may be claimed is not seen as a payment for hire or reward; and
  • that cover will not be affected in the event the Employee carries business related equipment in the private motor vehicle.

This applies to all claims under the standard motor mileage rate and public transport rate. In the event of any claim against the Employee’s insurance policy, e.g. in the event of an accident, BBB will not be liable for any excess that may have to be paid as a result of an insurance claim. If the insurance cover does not meet all the required conditions, then travel by private vehicle will not be authorised or recompensed at any rate.

All Employees who are claiming for mileage must make a declaration to confirm that they have the required business cover on their own personal insurance policy as per the requirements of the Road Traffic Acts, and that the vehicle is roadworthy and has the necessary tax and MOT.

Where a company car or a car allowance is provided to Employees the HMRC rates according to engine size should be used as a basis for the claim for mileage incurred for business use only. The Employee should keep a record of all business journeys for which a claim has been made which should be available for inspection by HMRC. The HMRC rates change periodically and are available on the following web page:

Rates and allowances: travel — mileage and fuel allowances - GOV.UK (

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