Health and Safety Policy

1. Purpose

1.1 Purpose

The British Business Bank (“BBB”) is committed to ensuring the health and safety (H&S) of Colleagues wherever they undertake their work activities, and anyone affected by its business activities. In addition, BBB is also committed to provide a safe and suitable environment for all those attending our offices to work. This H&S policy (H&S Policy) sets out our arrangements in relation to:

  • assessment and control of H&S risks arising from work activities wherever they are undertaken;
  • preventing accidents and identifying potential accidents/near misses;
  • consultation with Employees on matters affecting their H&S;
  • provision and maintenance of a safe workplace and equipment;
  • information, instruction, training and supervision in safe working methods and procedures; and
  • emergency procedures in cases of fire or another major incident.

This H&S Policy has been implemented following interaction and communication with the Colleague Forum.

This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment and BBB may amend it at any time. The Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it is achieving its aims.

  • Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and related regulations and approved codes including without limitation:
  1. Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999;
  2. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR); and
  3. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 and amended (2002).
  • Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act 2007.

In addition to meeting its legal obligations, the BBB as an Arm’s Length Body (ALB) is required to meet the Government Functional Standards where applicable. This policy includes elements of the obligations relating to Government Functional Standard 004: Property, as applicable.

1.3 Alignment to Risk Appetite

Risk appetite is the type and level of risk the Board of the Bank is willing to take in order to deliver its strategy and public policy objectives. This policy sits under the Level One Risk category, Operational and Resilience Risk.

It aligns to the Level Two Risk Category, Health, Safety and Security, which is defined as ‘The risk that the Bank does not maintain a safe, resilient, and secure workplace to protect its employees, visitors, or physical assets.’ 

The Bank’s risk appetite in relation to Health, Safety and Security is set at Low.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all Bank Group entities, operations, subsidiaries and colleagues (See Section 6 for definitions)

3. Key Requirements

3.1 Key Principles

The key principles of the H&S Policy are to:

  • control the H&S risks arising from our work activities;
  • consult with our Employees on matters affecting their H&S;
  • ensure safe handling and use of substances;
  • provide information, instruction, and supervision for Colleagues and those visiting BBB premises;
  • ensure all Colleagues are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
  • prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
  • maintain safe and healthy working conditions for those using BBB premises including visitors; and
  • review and revise the H&S Policy as necessary at regular intervals.

The ‘Temporarily Working Remotely Outside the UK Policy’ must be adhered to alongside this policy when this is applicable.

BBB Responsibilities as an employer

BBB will provide safe working areas at its premises and is responsible for the H&S of Colleagues at work wherever they undertake their work activities and will:

  • appoint a competent person responsible for H&S matters.
  • display the H&S Law poster at both BBB offices.
  • provide adequate working space for Colleagues in our offices.
  • provide safe areas for work to take place in our offices for all those that use them.
  • provide supervision, instruction, and training of Colleagues.
  • maintain the safety and maintenance of machinery and tools.
  • provide good ventilation, lighting, and temperature control in our offices.
  • ensure easy evacuation and good exit routes from the offices.
  • maintain and review a H&S Policy.
  • undertake a risk assessment.
  • ensure safe use of display screen equipment wherever Colleagues undertake their work and arrange workstation assessments where necessary to enable Colleagues to use.
  • report all notifiable accidents or injuries to the Health and Safety Executive.
  • carry out a Fire Risk Assessment, implement appropriate emergency procedures in the event of a fire, appoint and train Fire Marshals and keep all fire extinguishers properly maintained and checked as required.
  • provide one first aid box containing approved list of contents per 150 Colleagues and appoint enough First Aiders for all offices.

Expectations of Colleagues

All Colleagues are required to:

  • take reasonable care of their own H&S wherever they undertake their work activities.
  • take reasonable care of other people’s H&S including visitors to the offices.
  • not misuse equipment, machinery or working environment.
  • endeavour to take care that other people are not put in danger because of their actions.
  • comply with safety rules and practices that go with the job they are doing.
  • Immediately report all fire and safety hazards to their Line Manager, Office Manager or Head of Facilities Management and follow this up by completing a report via the Risk Incident Portal on the BBB Intranet.
  • report all injuries and dangerous incidents to their Line Manager, Office Manager or Head of Facilities Management and follow this up by completing a report via the Risk Incident Portal on the BBB Intranet.
  • familiarise themselves with the BBB emergency procedures.

Consultation, Communication and Cooperation

  • BBB will communicate appropriate H&S information by displaying information at an accessible position at each of its offices and via information held on the BBB intranet.
  • BBB has a legal duty to consult with Employees on matters concerning H&S at work and will therefore regularly meet with the Colleague Forum regarding H&S matters to ensure effective communication on relevant issues.
  • On a day-to-day basis, the appointed Office Managers communicate with Colleagues with regards to applicable H&S requirements and information at each of its operating locations.
  • Colleagues have a responsibility to co-operate fully in this transfer of information and a responsibility to support an effective culture of H&S in the workplace.

Colleague Welfare

  • In accordance with statutory requirements, BBB will provide Colleagues with access to adequate welfare facilities such as clean water, toilet and handwashing facilities and places to eat etc for use whilst at work in our offices.

Risk Assessment and Health and Safety Assistance

  • BBB will arrange for assessments of all significant risks to which Colleagues and others affected by our activities may be exposed on an at least an annual basis. Based on these assessments and other factors BBB will adopt measures intended to reduce risk to an acceptable level. The assessments are retained by the Office Managers and will remain readily accessible for inspection as required.

Training, Instruction, and Information

  • It is a requirement that Colleagues are provided with suitable and relevant training and instruction to enable them to conduct their duties safely and without risk to personal H&S.

First Aid

  • The Office Manager at each office will ensure appropriate Colleagues, suitably trained in first aid techniques, are nominated and in place to deal with minor accidents and injuries in our offices, and for more serious instances, to provide first aid until more qualified assistance can be summoned and arrives.

Electrical safety

  • A formal inspection of all portable equipment provided by BBB for Colleague use will be carried out regularly by a qualified person, with other equipment inspected periodically but at a period not exceeding five years.

Smoking/Vaping Policy

  • Smoking/Vaping is not permitted in any part of Steel City House or 8 Salisbury Square and all company vehicles.


  • Colleagues must use equipment in accordance with any instructions given. Any equipment fault or damage must immediately be reported to a line manager.

Display Screen Equipment

  • In accordance with statutory requirements, BBB will provide a suitable safety assessment for those Colleagues who use visual display equipment as a significant part of their work, to identify and minimise any risks to health which may arise from that use. This will take the form of a self-completion ergonomic survey, and where necessary, a subsequent written assessment by an appointed Workstation Assessment professional.
  • Colleagues who are identified as Display Screen Equipment users under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as amended, are entitled to reimbursement for an eye test on an annual basis. A contribution may also be made towards suitable vocational lenses and frames. Further information on claiming for such costs can be found within the Travel and Expenses Policy.

Manual Handling Operations

  • In accordance with statutory requirements, BBB will identify those activities which are regularly undertaken which involve manual handling and present a risk of personal injury. These activities, primarily the handling of heavy files and boxes of paper, must be avoided so far as is reasonably practicable.

For further information on all the key requirements listed above plus details on National Health Alerts, Accident Reporting and Investigation, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Fire Safety, Driving Vehicles for Business Purposes and Lone working, please see the Health & Safety Standards.

4. Non-Compliance

Compliance with this Policy and the associated Standards is mandatory. All identified breaches of this Policy must be reported via the Risk Incident Portal on the BBB Intranet. Breaches will be assessed by the Policy Owner to determine the further action required and may include disciplinary action in accordance with the BBB’s Disciplinary Policy.

5. Policy Controls

The Policy controls are visible here: Health and Safety Controls - Power BI

6. Definition of Terms

BoardThe BBB Board of Directors
ColleaguesPermanent Employees, Fixed Term Contract, Apprentices, Interns, Secondees-out, Secondees-In, Board Members, Non-Executive Directors, Contractors, Temps and Professional Services.
EmployeesPermanent Employees, Fixed Term Contract, Apprentices, Interns, Secondees-out, Secondees-In, Board Members,
Line ManagersBBB Colleagues with a Line Management responsibility.
Office ManagersOffice and Facilities Manager (London) and Office and Facilities Manager (Sheffield).